Оxуенный гэг =)) Our Typo Could Be Your Meme: #Fugazi1888 В сентябре 2014 года авторы журнала Spin проанонсировали в Твиттере выход пластинки и "немного" ошиблись с датой записи песен, которые на нее войдут. Несмотря на то, что редакторы авторитетного издания быстро спохватились и извинились перед читателями за допущенную опечатку, что-то исправлять уже было поздно. В Твиттере появился хэштег #fugazi1888, с помощью которого фанаты Fugazi принялись упражняться в остроумии, причем вместо едких и саркастичных, как ожидалось, высказываний, появилось множество хороших, просто отличных шуток, обыгрывающих биографии музыкантов, содержание песен, да и просто исторических фактов. Мы выбрали самые смешные твиты, абсолютное удовольствие для тех, кто знает английский: "Я люблю слушать только их самые-самые ранние вещи" "А я люблю раннее творчество Яна - Miner Threate" "Круто! В любом случае, всё, что было записано после 1892 - дерьмо!" "Уж лучше #Fugazi1888, чем #Fugazi1488, особенно с их странными прическами..." "#Fugazi1888 - это клёво конечно, но куда круче #MinorThreat1880 и их выступления совместно с Женским христианским союзом трезвости" "Блин, как же долго я ждал нашумевший совместный проект Маккея и Чайковского!" "А Стравинский настолько тащился от Fugazi, что даже свое самое знаменитое произведение назвал в честь первой группы Ги Пиччиотто!" переводчика] "Ударная установка Брендана включала в себя реальный колокол Свободы" "Басовая партия из Waiting room сыграна на свистульке" "А с какого альбома песня "Great Constable"?" "Дайте мне лекарство (от различных инфекций, поскольку пенициллин еще не изобрели)" "1888 - канадец Джеймс Нейсмит увидел, как Ги Пиччиотто лезет во фруктовую корзину в десяти футах над землей. Через три года он изобрел баскетбол!" "Fugazi брали за билет 5 баксов? Неудивительно, почему Маккей стал миллионером!" "Ну, если билет стоил 5$, только элита могла позволить себе увидеть их живьем!" "Плата за вход на их концерты была 5 шиллингов тогда" "Фигня, я был на их концерте в 1887 всего за 3 шиллинга!" "Оказывается, фильм "Инструмент" Джема Коена - всего-навсего римейк хронофотографий Этьена-Жюль Маре" "Эй, хватит вальсировать! Да, я к вам обращаюсь! Валите отсюда со своим гребаным полонезом!" "Теперь вопрос по существу - кто первым расскажет Маккею про #Fugazi1888 и насколько ему будет пофиг?" When they lose songs, they really lose them well. Well, there were a lot of temperance songs to choose from. Fugazi not capable of reuniting but capable of time travel apparently Fouled Up, Geronimo Ambushed, Zipper Invented Better #Fugazi1888 than #Fugazi1488, especially with those haircuts. Pre-pre-pre-hardcore I only really liked their really, really early stuff. I prefer Ian's early stuff: Miner Threate Sure, #Fugazi1888 was great, but I prefer #MinorThreat1880and their performances with the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Pretty edgy of them to do minstrel show music great! everything after 1892 was crap anyway. been waiting a looong time for that rumored mackaye-tchaikovsky collab Stravinsky, of course, was so enamored of Fugazi that he named his most famous piece after Guy Picciotto's first band 1888: James Nasmith sees Guy Picciotto climb into a peach basket suspended 10 ft in the air. 3 years later, basketball invented. Brendan Canty's kit includes the actual Liberty Bell What? On fife and drum? Wow, was it produced by Edison? That's some hardcore anti-Grover Cleveland shit Has anyone made a "This tis not a Fugazi blouse" joke yet? THIS IS NOT A FUGAZI FORMAL TAILCOAT This is not a #fugazi1888 tweet Difchord Recordf DIY or Die (from mumps) Give me the soothing syrup/ give me the laudanum/ give me the cure/ to pretty much every communicable disease Give Me The Cure (to a range of infections because Penicillin doesn't exist yet) Give Me the Cure (for this Incurable Disease) Give Me The Cure (for Polio) She's not breathing // She's not moving //Polio vaccine not invented yet Shut thou door "Smallpox Champion" was the title of Guy Picciotto's 1870 letter to the editor regarding white man's disease Smallpox Patient Sitting in the waiting room for 100 years: #Fugazi1888 the waiting salon The Antechamber “I am a patient lad / I pause, I pause, I pause, I pause." I am a lad of impeccable patience. I am, ineluctably, a moft patient boy "Waiting Room" bassline played on a penny whistle My time is akin to water flowing down a spout Yeah, it's a wax cylinder of Ian MacKaye yelling at Quakers not to dance for about an hour. No waltzing, hey yeah I'm talking to you! Go somewhere else with your fucking polonaise! I can imagine Ian MacKaye calling out angry skinheads in the crowd saying they look like they just want some custard. "Though supposeth though be tough, but I saw thou partake of iced cream prior, Sir." Can't wait to hear Great Grandpa Ian Mackaye's anti government protest songs about the Great Blizzard of 1888! "Your eyes like crashing carriages / Fixed in stained glass" "Doth Thou Like Me" Ian MacKaye gets mad when Benjamin Harrison uses "Do You Like Me" as theme song for a presidential campaign rally. What Fugazi album had the track "Great Constable" on it? "You'd make a fine constable" "you make a great pinkerton" I must say, I do believe one would make a most spiffing gendarme We need an instrument / To take a measurement / Of the luminiferous aether Turns out Jem Cohen's Instrument is a remake of the original chronphotographe by Étienne-Jules Marey why doth thou deter me from lollygagging down the lane without the interference of advancement? Why canst I not take a merry jaunt down the road without a gentleman's proposition? I'm so knackered “I am so famished / livestock are counting me.” Here comes the collie shangles. Heretofor comes the quarrel Sieve-fisted find/of gold in these here hills "sieve fisted find / you find gold / yippee" Sieve-fisted gold mine ʃieve-Fiʃted Find "You art not what thou posses" One shall not be equated with one's personal property Fisticuffs for a haircut? / then grow your hair / Crying for the spinet? / Well, I doubt you really care i'm an ex-spectator can't you see? I shall never again stomach the Mormon Heresy I dost not cavort with thou; I dost not cavort with thou; aye, thou. I do not seek to be overcome, I do not seek to be overcome. Last Chance for a Slow Dance Until Next Week's Cotillion 1, 2, 3, Winchester Repeating Rifle "Laudanum Man" Justice Fuller You're always conversing conversing conversing conversing conversing rubbish forthwith A Steady Diet of Nothing but Hardtack As renowned as they were, even as late as 1895 people their audience were shouting for Minor Threat songs taking "all ages" to a whole new level Admission to their shows was 5¢ back then. "Our shows will never cost more than a five-penny copper piece, consarnit!" Whatever, I saw Fugazi in 1887 for a mere three shillings Of course, the $5 ticket price meant only the moneyed elite could afford to see Fugazi live. Fugazi was charging $5 for a show in 1888? No wonder Ian MacKaye is like a billionaire. back then there were way more scalpers at their shows I'm probably gonna get this headline tattooed on my forearm Now the real question: Who will be the first to tell Ian MacKaye about #fugazi1888 and how little will he care?

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